As I get older, I enjoy the peace and quiet of sitting out by the pond and listening to the birds and frogs. It seems like another world - no one in a hurry, no deadlines, no worries.
I was wandering down to the pond to sit in my rocker and enjoy another wonderful evening. I was almost to my chair when I felt something in my shoe (well, actually flip-flops, because I haven't worn real shoes for almost a year). It was a snake! Of course, I screamed. The poor snake had gotten tangled up between my foot and flip-flop. I am by no means an athletic woman, but you should have seen me hopping on one leg trying to fling the snake away from me. I was doing a heck of a job if I do say so myself.
As often happens with women of my age, I was no longer dry and comfortable. The snake slithered away as fast as he could. I decided that although my loving husband was laughing his head off and told me he never saw the snake, I was going to sit down and enjoy my evening.
So when snakes get in your shoes, don't worry, chill out, and come sit by the pond with me. :)
Shhheeeeessssh, hoping that a snake never gets into my flipflop! One step down and I'd probably crush the poor critter. Love you and miss you sweet darlin!