Saturday, May 19, 2012

On Armstrong Pond

As I get older, I enjoy the peace and quiet of sitting out by the pond and listening to the birds and frogs. It seems like another world - no one in a hurry, no deadlines, no worries.
I was wandering down to the pond to sit in my rocker and enjoy another wonderful evening. I was almost to my chair when I felt something in my shoe (well, actually flip-flops, because I haven't worn real shoes for almost a year). It was a snake! Of course, I screamed. The poor snake had gotten tangled up between my foot and flip-flop. I am by no means an athletic woman, but you should have seen me hopping on one leg trying to fling the snake away from me. I was doing a heck of a job if I do say so myself.
As often happens with women of my age, I was no longer dry and comfortable. The snake slithered away as fast as he could. I decided that although my loving husband was laughing his head off and told me he never saw the snake, I was going to sit down and enjoy my evening.
So when snakes get in your shoes, don't worry, chill out, and come sit by the pond with me. :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

And a Great Time Was Had by All!

I got to visit with my folks last week, help my sister get her shop ready, attend my nephew's graduation party, and attend part of my sister-in-law's monthly crafting day. I am so lucky to have such great relatives. My sister hopes to open her gift shop soon, but really wanted to get it ready to use for her son-in-law's graduation party. (Congratulations, Jason!) It was fun helping her with the decorations.
My mom and I helped with some of the food. She insisted that we needed LOTS of potato salad. I think we made 30-40 pounds! Maybe not quiet that much, but almost. I thought I'd never get finished chopping the potatoes.
After the party, my mom and I went to my sister-in-law's home to do some needlepunching. I always enjoying going to visit her and my brother.
I had a great time and hope everyone else did, too!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Back Home

Well, you know how unpredictable life is. Our son, Robbie, has moved back with us. We are looking at some places for him in Dallas because he wants to be able to get around, and they have DART. He wants to be independent, and we want that for him. I am confident that God will lead us to the best placement for Rob.
My husband and I have been gardening. Although I didn't care for helping in the garden when I was growing up, I really like in now. I think it was living in Dallas County for 10 years that helped me want to get back home to the country. We bought a new pressure cooker so we will be able to can all of the great food we are growing. :)
I just put two new needlepunch items on Etsy. One of them is a small wallhanging, and the other is a small pillow. You are invited to look at them.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Please, pay attention!!!

This is for me. A few times in my teaching career I halfway read a note or email and decided I knew what it said. That got me into a couple of interesting situations. You would think that maybe I would have learned to read and process information. Not so.
I received an invitation for my daughter-in-law, Brandi, and myself to attend my niece's baby shower. I texted Brandi about the invitation asking is she wanted to go with me (they live in Midlothian which is south of Dallas) on Saturday, March 3rd. She took the Thursday and Friday before off so she, my son, and Otis, my grandson, could come to our house in Bonham for a little visit with Papa before Brandi, Otis, and I headed to Wayne, Oklahoma for the shower.
We left on Friday morning and arrived at my parents home outside of Wayne around noon. We went to eat at "The Restaurant" for lunch, dropped Grampy off at home, and headed to WalMart. My momma kept saying something about the shower on Sunday. I told her no, it was on Saturday. She said she thought it was on Sunday, but they didn't send her an invitation so she was probably wrong. We teased her about that. When we returned I went to get the invitation. Sure enough it said March 4th which was Sunday. We had to get back to my house on Saturday because my son had to go to work early Sunday morning.
Before we left, I asked my sister, Karen, not to let the people at the shower harp on how stupid I was. She promised me she wouldn't because it would certainly go without saying. :)
Maybe I will learn to read notes, letters, invitations, and letters to see what they actually say, but I doubt it.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hello Again

Well, I am finally back. Sometimes life throws things at you that you are just not sure how to handle. Why does it take us so long to realize we had the answer all along? Give it to God.
I have started doing needle punch using the small needle and embroidery floss. It reminds me so much of painting. It makes me feel artistic again. My husband has even started doing needle punch. He is so much faster than I am. If you'd like to see some of our creations, look for us on Etsy.
We have been planting our garden. So far we have planted onions and beets. We also planted 2 apple trees and 2 peach trees. Green beans, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, and spinach will follow.
I'll be back very soon.